When is planning permission required for a fence

[dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]For many people adding to their current home is the preferred option than moving to a new one.  It may be that more space is needed or that a dedicated space for a specific reason is required.  It might be that the homeowner wants to add to their home and make it more attractive for sale in the long term.  Whatever the case, when work is being done it may fall under the official system known as planning permission – but what work requires planning permission and what can be done without it?[/dt_quote]

When is Planning Permission Required for a Fence?

Strangely, putting up a fence can require more consideration than putting up a conservatory or converting your garage.  This is because while it is a measure aimed at improving your home, it is also something that happens on the boundary with another property.  And that’s where it gets more complicated.

Fence height

If you want to put up a fence that is less than two metres in height, you can usually do it without needing planning permission.  This can be lowered to one metre when you are next to a road.  There are situations where you can apply for planning permission after you put up the fence if you do so in error – but be prepared they may rule against you and that means taking the fence down.  It may also be that you have to remove it if someone objects to it.

The right to put up a fence without planning permission is removed if you are in a listed building or there is a curtilage of a listed building with the fence.  It is also altered by article 4 direction or a specific planning condition being in place.

Talking with your neighbours about a fence is a good idea.  There’s no legal requirement to have or maintain a fence but it is a top cause of disputes among neighbours.  So, if you plan to change or add something, it can be a good idea to chat with the neighbour on the other side to avoid any problems.

Planning permission

The question of planning permission and also building regulations are definitely more complicated with fences than with some types of extensions.  Housing authorities, for example, can be really strict about what you can on or adjoining their properties.  And if planning permission is rejected, you can get into trouble if you go ahead and put up the fence anyway.

If you want to put up a fence that is over 2 metres in height, you definitely need planning permission.  This includes adding a trellis to the top of an existing fence if this puts it over the two-metre mark.  It can even apply to things like adding wires and brackets for climbing shrubs – it really is a complicated area!

If the area was planned to have open plan gardens, you will need to get planning permission before you can add a fence to these spaces.  This also applies to add hedges or other boundary markers and there is a good chance the permission will be refused due to the original layout of the properties.

Other conditions

You don’t need planning permission if you plan to take down a fence, a wall or a gate or to improve or maintain an existing one as long as you don’t change the height.  There is also no need to get planning permission for hedges unless there is a covenant in place that restricts where they can be placed such as open plan estates or if a driver’s line of sight can be blocked by where you are putting the hedge.